June 19, 2024

Here’s who came out on top in the FoodTech World Cup Final

Meet the winner and the runners up of the FoodTech World Cup

Following 200+ applications from early-stage startups spanning 49 countries, the inaugural FoodTech World Cup, together with Givaudan, attracted exceptional talent and new approaches to tackle the greatest challenges facing our food system.

46 startups pitched live in regional Semi Finals in front of 28 Jury members across 6 regions. 

And 9 startups representing all 5 regions came together to pitch in the Final in Lausanne at this year’s HackSummit

“What a great experience! The FoodTech World Cup turned out to be beyond my expectations. The quality of the quarter and semifinals were absolutely brilliant. It created months of good traction and momentum with the FoodTech community, climaxing with the Final at the HackSummit. We are looking forward to collaborating with many of the finalists and especially with the big winner, Foreverland Food,” said Alexandre Bastos, Head of Front End Innovation at Givaudan.

Taking first place: Italy’s Foreverland Food

Their technology provides sustainable alternatives to unsustainable foods such as chocolate by developing a cacao-free chocolate that tastes like chocolate but is better for both people and the planet.

Cacao prices have tripled this year due to climate change and unsustainable production. And so they took to the HackSummit stage to pitch their i) positioning in Italy - one of the largest chocolate markets, ii) strategic access to raw materials as well as iii) well-compositioned team ramping up Foreverland for success.

“Becoming the FoodTech World Cup winner has been an honour for us and a strong affirmation that we are on the right track. Partnerships with companies like Givaudan are essential for an early-stage startup like us as they can provide unique insights on the food industry and support our growth,” shares Riccardo Bottiroli, Co-Founder and CTO at Foreverland Food.

Close behind them: Ghana’s Legendary Foods

Legendary Foods is using advanced insect agriculture to deliver the nutrition of meat at the price and sustainability of plants.

Consumer acceptance is often a barrier in insect protein products but by utilising a protein source that is already commonly consumed across multiple continents, this presents an opportunity for expansion, while also addressing waste and circularity through their farming process.

“It’s an incredible opportunity to be runner up in the FoodTech World Cup and work with a company like Givaudan given their leadership in innovative food technology that has applications for markets all over the world. It provides a lot of validation for insect protein as an alternative protein source on a global platform and demonstrates the commitment of the FoodTech community to have truly inclusive and diverse solutions,” explains Shobhita Soor, Founder and CEO at Legendary Foods.

Also a runner up: Argentina’s Nat4Bio

Nat4Bio leverages biotechnology to reduce food waste between the farm and retail with microbial-based and cell-free coatings for post-harvest fruit protection.

15% of food is wasted in LatAm alone. By rethinking food preservation the startup can help minimise waste and also ensure a steady supply of fresh food for everyone. Having successfully secured commitment from a customer to purchase their product, they demonstrate their preparedness and suggest a positive reception in the market.

“For us, this recognition is a sign that our mission matters. We already see it every time we interact with customers and when consumers hear about what we're doing, and this is additional confirmation that we're on the right track to having a massive impact on reducing food waste,” shares Joaquín Fisch, Co-Founder and CEO at Nat4Bio.

Congratulations to all 9 Finalists who joined us in Lausanne to pitch in the Final at the HackSummit. And a big thank you to everyone who applied to take part in the 2024 FoodTech World Cup.