Take Part in the NatureTech Challenge

A global pitch competition to unearth new talent and showcase the power of nature-based solutions to restore our planet’s biodiversity.

HackSummit announces the launch of the NatureTech Challenge - A global pitch competition to unearth new talent and showcase the power of nature-based solutions to restore our planet’s biodiversity.

Applications are now open until May 30.

Our ecosystems are under threat. As the climate crisis deepens, urgent action is needed to enable, accelerate and scale new technologies to rewild our planet. 

Bold founders are stepping up to the challenge and attracting fresh investment for NatureTech solutions, rising to $1.85bn in 2023.

On a mission to spotlight new talent and drive meaningful impact, ClimateHack has launched an inaugural NatureTech Challenge.

They are supported by a Jury of active NatureTech investors, including:

- Sophia Martin of Raise
- Till Hoelzer of FoodLabs
- Kevin Webb of Superorganism
- Xavier Lorphelin of Serena VC
- Lena Thiede of Planet A Ventures

Take part in the NatureTech Challenge:

To uncover the next rising stars and superstars of NatureTech, ClimateHack invite Stealth to Seed startups to pitch their solutions in:

🐝 Pollination
💦 Bioremediation
🌾 Regenerative Agriculture
🌸 Ecosystem & Wildlife Restoration
🌴 Ecosystem & Wildlife Conservation
🐾 Biodiversity Standards, Credits and Compliance
🔍 Biodiversity Monitoring, Reporting and Verification

After an in-depth shortlisting process, the 10 most promising solutions will be invited to pitch in the final at the HackSummit in Lausanne, Switzerland on June 13-14th, where the winners will be crowned.

Enter your startup today